IBS-D Mini-Guide
Access this guide to learn more about IBS-D, quick tips, and 1 day Low FODMAP Meal Plan for IBS-D.Â

IBS-C Mini-Guide
Access this guide to learn about IBS-C, other common causes of constipation, quick tips, and 1 day Low FODMAP Meal Plan for IBS-C.

IBS-M Mini-Guide
Access this guide to learn about IBS-M, quick tips for constipation/diarrhea days, and 1 day Low FODMAP Meal Plan.
Understanding the Subtypes of IBS:
Alright, let’s dive into the world of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – because nothing says good times like talking about poop and tummy pain, right?
But hey, knowledge is power, especially when it comes to managing your gut health.
Let’s break down the different subtypes of IBS, so you can identify which one’s been crashing your party uninvited.
IBS-D (Diarrhea-predominant):
On the flip side, IBS-D is like having an over-eager puppy that just can’t wait to get out the door.
Frequent, urgent trips to the bathroom are the name of the game here.
Your digestive system is on the fast track, but unfortunately, it’s more of a rollercoaster than a smooth ride.
Captivatingly, a large portion (an estimated 50-80%) of my fellow IBS-DÂ friends have SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and/or ISO (intestinal sulphide overproduction).
The gut bacteria running rampant in SIBO have recently been uncovered to be actually very few, specific kinds.
For SIBO, research associates mainly two species of E coli, E coli K-12, and E coli BL21(DE3) and two Klebsiella species (K aerogenes and K pneumoniae) as the gut bugs dominating someone with SIBO's microbiome.
For ISO, research tags Fusobacterium and Desulfovibrio as "it" when it comes to linking increased breath H2S (hydrogen sulphide) levels to increased diarrhea in those with IBS-D.Â
Fret not- with the right step by step strategies, we can put the brakes on and regain control with a fairly simple approach that I've seen work, time and time again.
IBS-M (Mixed type):
Can’t decide between constipation and diarrhea? Why not have both!
IBS-M is the indecisive subtype where you get to experience the joys of both worlds.
Your gut swings back and forth, keeping you on your toes and questioning your triggers.
Did you know that relieving the underlaying constipation should be the first order of business when it comes to exiting the constipation/diarrhea roller coaster?Â
'Tis true.
And sure, there may be a degree of gut dysbiosis such as SIBO involved in this subtype too- but we prefer to not put the horse before the cart when it comes to approaching IBS and SIBO, regardless of the person's subtype, as these conditions' symptoms can greatly overlap.
If we can avoid expensive tests and medications and do this au naturel, then why not, right?Â
And no, this doesn't mean we'll push oregano and garlic capsules on to clients.
We start with healing the gut brain connection and getting the gut moving consistently, for subtypes IBS-D, C and M.Â
IBS-C (Constipation-predominant):
This is for those of you who feel like you’re always waiting for a bus that never comes.
IBS-C means your digestive tract is taking its sweet time, leading to fewer bowel movements and a whole lot of discomfort.
Think of it as your gut’s way of playing hard to get, leaving you bloated and cranky.Â
Interestingly, about half of my IBS-C warriors may also have an overgrowth of a certain kind of gut microbe in their intestines (like Methanobrevibacter smithii, if you want to geek out) which loves to create constipating methane gas.
In other words, IMO (Intestinal Methanogen Overgrowth) is often an additional layer to those with IBS-C.
But don’t worry, we’ve got tricks up our sleeves to get things moving, and know exactly how to guide you in conjunction with your health care provider if IMO tries to sully the pristine waters of your IBS journey (and ideally your recovery).
IBS-U (Unclassified):
Last but not least, we have IBS-U, the mysterious stranger in the room.
This subtype doesn’t fit neatly into the constipation or diarrhea categories. It’s a bit of a wild card, making it a little trickier to pin down and treat.
But fear not, fellow gut warrior, because understanding your symptoms is the first step to managing them effectively.
So there you have it, the IBS subtypes in all their glory.
Whether your gut is playing hard to get, running wild, or swinging like a pendulum, there’s hope on the horizon my friend.
With the right strategies and a sprinkle of science, you can get back to being the fabulous, symptom-free you.
If you're finally ready to get your gut sorted, and feel 60-80% better in 6 weeks, I encourage you to check out my programs for:
and join your fellow subtype specific IBS warriors during the next available intake.
Until next time, keep advocating for your gut health and remember, we've got your back here in this tiny corner of the interweb.
General Common Sense Disclosure:
Self help resources and all content of Jess Nourishes and IBLess summarizes helpful tips, supplements, and tools based on evidence, clinical experience, Monash IBS Training, and personal experiences as a human with IBS. Resources do not diagnose IBS nor its subtype(s). It is for general information only and does not replace the advise of your healthcare professional.
Always consult your doctor before making any diet, supplement, medication or lifestyle changes.
Resources (both paid and free), guides and any content of Jess Nourishes may include affiliate links. To read my disclosure policy, visit https://www.jessnourishes.com/disclosures